πŸ”₯ Achieving Audacious Authenticity: My Journey to Mastering the Art of Inspirational Speaking πŸ”₯

A photo of Nancy Bos, Inspirational Speaker, on stage and burning in flames

So, right now, I'm standing on the precipice of what might just be the most pivotal chapter in my journey, and it's a wild one.

My mission? To inspire, to empower, and to set the stage ablaze as a professional speaker. But what's the beast I'm wrangling with? It's none other than that age-old nemesis, the one that's plagued countless souls β€” overcoming fear. 😨 That extreme discomfort that can stop even the most resilient in their tracks.

You see, everything's set, the stars have aligned, and I'm as ready as I'll ever be. But here's the kicker – this is the part that has me squirming in my seat. The only thing standing between me and that stage is a showdown with that relentless inner critic, the one that feeds off self-doubt and hesitation. πŸ’ͺ

Vulnerability – that's the battle. 🏹 It's like baring my chest to a barrage of arrows, a churning gut, a heart that's caught in a vice, and a mind that feels more like mush than a powerhouse. Just four days ago, all I wanted to do was escape and run wild, unburdened by the weight of it all. (I could sell my house and use the profit to live in a camper for the rest of my life, right?) 🚚🏞️

And yet, it's astonishing how the universe conspires to spur me forward, to help me in the battle. Thursday morning a dear friend challenged me to use her meditative journaling method, an assignment purposefully designed to tackle my Achilles' heel. πŸ““πŸ§˜

Next up were my trusty assistants. They're the wind beneath my wings, the ones who keep me soaring. The three of us spent an hour together and they loaned me their strength. πŸ’ͺ

Then, out of the blue, another friend beckoned me to a book club exploring BrenΓ© Brown's Daring Greatly. πŸ“šπŸ€“

And as the day's curtain drew close, another kindred spirit reached out, offering solace in these words: "I hope your dreams tonight deliver the solutions you seek. I'm a firm believer that we carry all the answers within, but the hustle and bustle of daily life often blinds us to them. As you drift into slumber, I'll visualize your next gig unfolding effortlessly, the retainer payment landing upfront, your on-stage performance oozing grace, and lives transforming far and wide by your authentic voice ringing loud and clear. Everything in between is a mere distraction, best left to the wisdom of the divine within." πŸ’€βœ¨

And yet, despite this cascade of encouragement, there I was at 3 AM, wrestling with my inner turmoil, haunted by the vulnerability and the fear that still lingered. πŸ˜”πŸŒ™

Vulnerability is an elusive emotion, one that's a challenge to articulate. It's like standing at the precipice of something monumental, something that promises growth and inspiration. But let's not kid ourselves; this is the part that I detest. 😰

In the labyrinth of my journey, I'm beginning to really understand that vulnerability, as uncomfortable as it may be, is a necessary companion. It's the crucible where authenticity is shaped, the holy grail from which inspiration overflows, and the source for other people's trust in us. πŸ› οΈπŸ’‘

So, I embraced the abyss, knowing that I'd already emerged victorious, because the universe had my back. 🌠

🌟 Are you ready to embrace your vulnerability and unlock your authentic self? Let's journey together towards inspiration and growth. Share your thoughts and experiences by email or DM me! 🌟

Nancy Bos