Stage Fright - What Is it Costing You?

A man with stage fright at a podium which according to Nancy Bos voice coach can be solved by reframing personal narratives

Stage fright can be bad enough that it impacts your life, even though sometimes it only shows up as mild and manageable. When it shows up badly, it doesn't even require a stage. It can freak you out in an office conversation, around a table, or on zoom. It can:

  • inhibit your creativity and performance

  • stop you from hitting send on an article or email you are confident would help

  • cause resistance to progress

  • affect the trajectory of your career.

That happened to me as a young singer. I had the outward signs of stage fright when performing, like shaking knees, nausea, and a quavering voice. Even worse, it made me anxious and argumentative with my teachers, and I was unwilling to accept compliments. It changed my life trajectory completely when it caused me to switch from a Music Performance degree to Arts Administration. I did that so I could avoid the spotlight but still work in the field I love.

Eventually I said, “Enough is enough. I don’t want this to rule my life any more!” I outline my journey of uncovering the source of my anxiety, and beginning my healing in a TEDx talk. Listen for a deeper understanding of the root of stage fright. The talk is available at:

Where does stage fright come from? For me, it grew from:

  • how I internalized messages from other people - first from my family and then from my community.

  • It can also come from the doctrine of organizations we are part of, like churches, political parties, or other groups.

  • It can even come from our understanding of our ancestry and how previous generations have interacted with the world.

  • And sometimes it comes from within ourselves, when we choose between fear and anger, or love and courage.

  • But most of all, stage fright shows up as a fear of being judged.

Understanding and overcoming your stage fright is key to living the life you want. The hard work of kicking it to the curb will pay off in improved creativity and performance, confidence in your ability to succeed, and eagerness to raise your voice so we can hear your message.

The first small group 5-week workshop of Empower Your Voice is underway now. We are making real, awesome progress.

If you'd like to be notified for one of the limited number of spots in the upcoming small groups, sign up HERE to be notified before anyone else.


I’m Nancy Bos, a vocologist, keynote speaker, and author. I help people empower their voice through reframing their stories. 

I LOVE to speak to groups about the power of personal narratives. Visit my Speakers Page to learn more about me talking to your company or group. I’m proud to say others have described me as “very inspiring and entertaining.”

Get my free ebook that explains how personal narratives impact success with goals: THE TOP 5 MISTAKES THAT KEEP PEOPLE FROM REACHING THEIR GOALS

Here’s my socials: Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn 

Thank you!!


Nancy Bos