At Least She's Got Great Legs

Woman's legs - having great legs is one of Nancy Bos assets when facing fears as a voice expert and professional speaker with StudioBos Media

Question: What did one man say to the other while listening to an opera singer at a retirement home?

Answer: Well, at least she has great legs.

Why did I put myself in that situation? For some reason I decided I needed to face my fear of singing solo on stage. So there I was. I was the opera singer.

Frankly, I didn’t care if that audience liked my performance or if they were neutral about it. The Garden Club retirement home was a stepping stone on my path.

Apparently these guys didn’t like the music, but at least found something to enjoy. Good for them.

You never know what people are going to take away from your message. The best you can do is show up authentically, with a great purpose, and trust.

What fear are you called to overcome? What is it that worries you about stepping into that fear? 

You’ve been give a path to make the world a better place. You can’t control the outcome, but take a step forward on that path. Take a chance and make a difference.  

Nancy Bos