Listen to Your Heart's Story to Free Your Voice

man listening to his heart to free is voice as told by Nancy Bos, professional speaker on freeing your voice

Our personal narratives (aka personal stories) have incredible power in our lives! After years of working with people on how to improve their voices, my conclusion is that the most impactful action is actually to help people like, if not love, their voice. To help them trust their voice. To encourage them to free their voice from the mental and spiritual bonds that hold it captive. 

It has been my job to provide a safe place for clients to chip away at the negative stories in their heads and replace them with positive ones.

When you think about your own narratives, are there stories from your past that limit you? 

You see, our personal stories often determine how fulfilling our lives will be. They do this by supplying the fear that holds us back, or the courage to move forward, to reach our goals. We can reach our goals consistently only if our personal narratives support our courage and determination.

In the last two posts I wrote about finding a safe space to examine our narratives, and utilizing a coach or therapist along with journaling and meditation.

The final piece of advice is to listen to the stories that come from your spirit. Trust what you feel and hear from within yourself - your higher calling. Other people’s narratives for you don’t hold a chance against following your true calling.

Once you have a personal narrative that works for you instead of against you, you’ll be able to set goals and achieve them. You’ll have the courage and conviction you need to take the action required.


My name is Nancy Bos. I’m a vocologist, speaker, and author. I change lives for the better. 

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  • Subscribing to the Every Sing Podcast. The personal narrative series is from episodes 60 to 70.

Thank you!!


Nancy Bos